SYF2014 has ended

The 2014 Sedona Yoga Festival Schedule is here...  Feel free to browse and familiarize yourself with the offerings...  Pre-registration is open to All Access Pass Holders!!! Buy your ticket now to be among the first to choose your own adventure at SYF2014!!!!  

LOG IN - found just below "schedule" to your account - FIRST, create your account when you receive the invitation from sched.org after purchasing your All Access Pass to SYF2014. You will need to remember your username or email address and password to get to your schedule! If you forget your password - click "Forgot Password?" at login. Have fun! 


avatar for Jordan Macbeth

Jordan Macbeth

Be Yoga World~Cosmic Consciousness
Creator & Cosmic Consultant
Having dealt with anxiety and depression personally, Yoga has been my saving grace. I’ve learned to use the wisdom of my body, gain better control over my mind and calm my nerves and emotions. Yoga has brought me so much awareness and clarity of my body and mind and the link between the two. It has helped me to remember that creating this life is up to ME. We can’t control life but we can Look inward, Stop placing blame on outside sources, Begin to take our power and responsibility back, Focus on growth & improvement, and Practice acceptance of who we are.

Self-Acceptance is something I’ve struggled with deeply, as many of us do. I spent a good part of my life not realizing my worth and making choices I felt others would approve of instead of realizing that my own approval was what I needed all along.

A Yoga instructor, Reiki Practitioner and Cosmic Consultant. I began my Yoga practice in 2002 and in 2009 completed my 200hr certification at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, AZ, received my YogaWorks certification in 2012 and in 2013, I became one of only 2 certified Naam Yoga Therapists in the state of Arizona. A newer practice on the West Coast, Naam is a Meditative practice that uses the powerful healing of breath {pranayama}, basic movement {asana}, chanting {mantra} and rhythmic movement to heal and balance the body and mind. We literally change our energy from the inside out.

Jordan-Denae-MacbethI am passionate about healing & learning and believe in doing what is in our control to feel our best. Life’s mysteries have always intrigued me and as someone always looking for the deeper meaning I have found Yoga and Astrology to be a perfect fit. Being a student of Astrology from a young age, I began reading and interpreting for friends and family just for fun. As my knowledge grew reading Astrology Charts was a natural transition. As I continue fulfilling my passion for learning and understanding the Cosmic Consciousness, I currently offer ‘Cosmic Readings’ that integrate the ancient wisdom of Kabbalistic Astrology, Western Astrology, Oracle Cards and Intuition.

I love to encourage and increase understanding to find what we can learn within each and every moment. The more we gain control over our mind and become aware of our habits we will live a healthier, happier and more self-accepting life. My yoga classes are a unique & creative blend of Yoga traditions often infused with Astrological influences and designed with the intention to inspire, uplift, and bring healing.