SYF2014 has ended

The 2014 Sedona Yoga Festival Schedule is here...  Feel free to browse and familiarize yourself with the offerings...  Pre-registration is open to All Access Pass Holders!!! Buy your ticket now to be among the first to choose your own adventure at SYF2014!!!!  

LOG IN - found just below "schedule" to your account - FIRST, create your account when you receive the invitation from sched.org after purchasing your All Access Pass to SYF2014. You will need to remember your username or email address and password to get to your schedule! If you forget your password - click "Forgot Password?" at login. Have fun! 


avatar for Stuart Rice

Stuart Rice

Yoga Practitioner and Teacher
Highland Falls, US
In the last decade, my practice has shifted from one of increasing attainment with asana to a focus on developing a deep core of inner stillness and quiet. Daniel Ladinsky, interpreting through the words of Mirabai, writes "One night as I sat in quiet/I seemed on the verge of entering a world inside so vast/I know it is the source of/all of/us." My goal with practice and teaching is to lead people from "knowing" this to be true to realizing this truth. To do that, I incorporate a diverse set of common and uncommon yoga practices that create the conditions for self-realization. My ultimate goal with yoga is to be completely in the deep silence of this vastness.

My practices are influenced by the tantric practices related to Lakshmi, the surpreme mahashakti and Goddess of Abundance, and similar and complementary Buddhist practices (particularly around the taras). I seek to wrap these ancient practices around modern postural yoga and movement practices to create the condition of deep inner stillness. I look to my students' experiences as a guide to the effectiveness of these practices and as a source of inspiration and refinement.

My Presenters Sessions

Friday, February 7

12:00pm MST